
Ch. 6 Collision Detection

Collision Class

For this class all we need to add a constructor to add values to the constants that we declared at the beginning of the code.
class Collision { constructor(game_obj1, game_obj2) { this.obj1 = game_obj1; this.obj2 = game_obj2; this.has_collided = false; this.direction = new Vector2d(0, 0); // Direction of penetration this.magnitude = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // Shortest distance of penetration } }

getSATCollision Function

Uses Separating Axis Test to get the direction and magnitude of any possible collision between given two objects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperplane_separation_theorem Objects can have any convex shape. Circles are a special case. The next thing that we want to add are 2 functions, these are not in a class because we want the ability use these from anywhere in the code without having a constructor.
To create the function:
function getSATCollision(game_obj1, game_obj2) { // code }
We will add some constants to this function that we will use in some of the if statements.
var obj1 = game_obj1; var obj2 = game_obj2; let temp_pos1 = obj1.pos.clone(); var d_origins = temp_pos1.subtract(obj2.pos).get_magnitude(); var collision = new Collision(game_obj1, game_obj2); collision.has_collided = false; var verts1 = game_obj1.get_verts(); var verts2 = game_obj2.get_verts(); var pos1 = game_obj1.pos.clone(); var pos2 = game_obj2.pos.clone();
This first if-statement is for optimization to make the game run smoothly, don’t edit it please.
if (d_origins > MAX_DIST_FOR_COLLISIONS * CELL_SIZE) { // Optimization: Skip further checks for distant objects return collision; }
We will add a for loop that our code will run though all the if statement if we call this function.
for (var i = 0; i < verts1.length + verts2.length; i++) { // code }
This will calculate next axis by taking the normal of a side of one object
if (i < verts1.length) { var vert = verts1[i]; if (i < verts1.length-1) var next_vert = verts1[i+1]; else var next_vert = verts1[0]; } else { var vert = verts2[i - verts1.length]; if (i < verts1.length+verts2.length-1) var next_vert = verts2[i+1 - verts1.length]; else var next_vert = verts2[0]; } var side = next_vert.clone().subtract(vert).get_unit_vector(); var axis = side.get_right_normal();
This will get minimum and maximum projections on axis from center of obj1
var min_dist1 = verts1[0].get_dot_product(axis); var max_dist1 = min_dist1; for (var j = 1; j < verts1.length; j++) { var distance = verts1[j].get_dot_product(axis); if (distance < min_dist1) min_dist1 = distance; else if (distance > max_dist1) max_dist1 = distance; }
Get minimum and maximum projections on axis from center of obj2
var min_dist2 = verts2[0].get_dot_product(axis); var max_dist2 = min_dist2; for (var j = 1; j < verts2.length; j++) { var distance = verts2[j].get_dot_product(axis); if (distance < min_dist2) min_dist2 = distance; else if (distance > max_dist2) max_dist2 = distance; }
This will calculate the distance between objects and flip axis if necessary, and the gaps between objects projected along axis, and the negative gap means that there is a collision on this axis.
var d = new Vector2d(pos2.x - pos1.x, pos2.y - pos1.y).get_dot_product(axis); var gap1 = d - max_dist1 + min_dist2; var gap2 = - d - max_dist2 + min_dist1; if (gap1 >= -EPSILON || gap2 >= -EPSILON) { // No collision on this axis - these objects cannot be colliding! collision.has_collided = false; return collision; } if (gap1 > gap2 && gap1 > collision.magnitude) { collision.magnitude = gap1; collision.direction = axis; } if (gap2 > gap1 && gap2 > collision.magnitude) { collision.magnitude = gap2; collision.direction = axis.get_inverted(); } } collision.has_collided = true; return collision; }

GetCollisions Function

Creating the GetCollisions function:
function GetCollisions(obj) { // code }
The point of this function is to check collisions given gameobject and all other gameobjects.
var ign1 = obj.ignored_collision_objs; var collisions = []; for (obj_ind in GAME_OBJECTS) { var other_obj = GAME_OBJECTS[obj_ind]; var ign2 = other_obj.ignored_collision_objs; if (ign1.indexOf(other_obj) === -1 && ign2.indexOf(obj) === -1) { var collision = getSATCollision(obj, other_obj); if (collision.has_collided === true) { collisions.push(collision); } } } return collisions; }
ALL OF CHAPTER SIX CODE https://pastebin.com/CBA5nEgR