
9.4 Manipulating Dictionaries

Manipulating Dictionaries

Like lists, dictionaries have a variety of methods for you to play around with and manipulate them:
You should be familiar with:
  • get - retrieves the value at a specified key
  • pop - removes the value at a specified key and returns the removed value
  • del - deletes a dictionary or key-value pair
  • copy - returns a copy of the dictionary
  • clear - removes all key-value pairs from the dictionary
# Manipulating Dictionaries contacts = { "John Doe": "1234 Main St", "Jane Smith": "5678 Market St", "Daisy Johnson": "2468 Park Ave", "Leo Fitz": "1258 Monkey Dr", } # get - retrieves the value at a specified key leo_address = contacts.get("Leo Fitz") print(leo_address) # the following gives you an error # because "Melinda May" is not a key: # melinda_address = contacts["Melinda May"] # however, using the get(keyname, value) method, # you can specify the value that is returned # if the key doesn't exist in the dictionary coulson_address = contacts.get("Phil Coulson", -1) print(coulson_address) # prints -1 # pop - removes the value at a specified key and returns # the removed value removed_address = contacts.pop("John Doe") print(removed_address) # prints "1234 Main St" print(contacts) # John Doe has been removed # del - deletes a dictionary or key-value pair del contacts["Jane Smith"] # deletes Jane Smith # this would delete the entire dictionary: # del contacts # copy - returns a copy of the dictionary copy_of_contacts = contacts.copy() print(copy_of_contacts) # clear - removes all key-value pairs from the dictionary contacts.clear() print(contacts)
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Output of the above code:
1258 Monkey Dr -1 1234 Main St {'Jane Smith' : '5678 Market St', 'Daisy Johnson' : '2468 Park Ave', 'Leo Fitz' : '1258 Monkey Dr'} {'Daisy Johnson' : '2468 Park Ave', 'Leo Fitz' : '1258 Monkey Dr'} {}
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