
16.4 Do it Yourself! - CirclyLinkedList

As you learned in the Circular LinkedLists section, the only difference between Circular Linked Lists and Singly Linked Lists is that the last node of CLLs points to the head node again. We can simply modify the SLL implementation, so that last.next points to head instead of to null. It’s also more time efficient to store the location of the last node, instead of storing the location of head, so that you don’t have to traverse all the way down the list to add something to the end.
The new add() method looks similar to the previous one, but we set new_node.next to the head. Notice how we only store a reference to the last node, and we replaced “head” with “last.next” because it’s a circular list.
class CircularLinkedList { Node last; public void add(int data); { // Create a new node with given data Node new_node = new Node(data); // Make new_node point back to head to complete the circle new_node.next = new_node: // If the Linked List is empty, then make the new node as head if (last == null) { last = new_node; } else { // Else insert new_node at the end new_node.next = last.next; last.next = new_node; last = new_node; } } }
We need to change the toString() method, as well, again changing “head” to “last.next.”
@Override public String toString() { // For empty lists if (last == null) return "{}"; String str = "{"; // Traverse the list until you reach last Node current = last.next; while(current != last) { str += "" + current.data + ", "; current = current.next; } str += current.data + "}"; return str; }
Here’s some test code and it’s output:
class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { CircularLinkedlist = last new CircularLinkedList(); System.out.println(list); list.add(1); System.out.println(list); list.add(27); System.out.println(list); list.add(-3); System.out.println(list); } }
{} {1} {1, 27} {1, 27, -3}

Now you try!

If you play around with your newly-created class, it should display the same result as the SinglyLinkedList. However, there are some benefits to being able to iterate through CircularLinkedLists continuously. For example, if you had a list of tasks that you wanted your computer to continually cycle through, you could store the tasks in a CircularLinkedList, and this would be much more time efficient than other methods of storage.
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