
5.2 - Example

5.2 Example

For our example, let’s go back to the bouncing_rect.py practice problem. We now want to add a bouncing sound to this whenever the rectangle hits the corner of the screen. We can do the following:
import pygame import time # not necessary, but used for frame cap pygame.init() # initialize pygame module bounce_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./bounce.wav") # load the bounce sound SCREEN_SIZE = (600, 400) RECT_SIZE = (100, 100) RED = (255, 0, 0) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) momentum = [1, 1] # (down and right) window = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE) running = True # start the rectangle in the middle of the screen x = SCREEN_SIZE[0] // 2 y = SCREEN_SIZE[1] // 2 while running: # if the rectangle collided with the left or right side # of the screen if x + RECT_SIZE[0] >= SCREEN_SIZE[0] or x <= 0: momentum[0] = -momentum[0] bounce_sound.play() # play the bounce sound for collisions # if the rectangle collided with the top or bottom # of the screen if y + RECT_SIZE[1] >= SCREEN_SIZE[1] or y <= 0: momentum[1] = -momentum[1] bounce_sound.play() # play the bounce sound for collisions # add the speed to the current x and y to get the # new x and y x += momentum[0] y += momentum[1] window.fill(BLACK) # 'erase' the previous frame pygame.draw.rect(window, RED, (x, y, RECT_SIZE[0], RECT_SIZE[1])) pygame.display.update() # update the display for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False time.sleep(0.01) # frame cap to make the rectangle more visible pygame.quit() # deactivate the pygame module
View code and sound file on Github
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