
6.3 List Slicing

List Slicing

Similar to list indexing, you can use list slicing to get portions of a list
The general syntax is:
list_name[start:stop:step] # step is optional
For example:
my_list = [1, 2, "oh no", 4, 5.62] print(my_list[1:3]) # prints [2, "oh no"]
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Some tips for using this:
  • Step is how many indices you want to skip each time
  • The stop index is exclusive, so the element at the stop index is not included in the resulting list
  • A step of -1 means you're going in reverse order
  • list_name[:] gives you a full copy of the list
  • list_name[:stop] gives you everything up until the stop index (exclusive)
  • list_name[start:] gives you everything from the start index (inclusive) until the end of the list
You can also slice a list using negative indexes:
my_list = [1, 2, "oh no", 4, 5.62] print(my_list[-1:-3:-1]) # prints [5.62, 4]
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