
10.5 String Methods


String Methods

Java also has a variety of methods you can use on Strings to manipulate them: https://www.w3schools.com/java/java_ref_string.asp
You should be familiar with the following methods:
  • charAt()
  • compareTo()
  • compareToIgnoreCase()
  • contains()
  • equals()
  • equalsIgnoreCase()
  • indexOf()
  • isEmpty()
  • lastIndexOf()
  • length()
  • replace()
  • split()
  • substring()
  • toCharArray()
  • toLowerCase()
  • toUpperCase()
  • trim()
Remember that because Strings are immutable, calling a String method will not necessarily change the original String.
Here is example code to test all of the methods listed above that you should be familiar with:
public static void main(String[] args) { String[] str = { "Tahiti, it's a magical place", "May the Force be with you", "no mourners no funerals", "apples", "oranges", "APPLES", " lots of whitespace ", }; System.out.println("-------------- Strings --------------"); for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { System.out.println("str[" + i + "]: " + str[i]); } // chatAt() // prints each character in str[0] System.out.println("-------------- chatAt --------------"); for (int i = 0; i < str[0].length(); i++) { System.out.println(str[0].charAt(i)); } // compareTo() // returns a positive number if greater than // returns 0 if equal // returns a negative number if less than System.out.println("-------------- compareTo --------------"); System.out.println(str[3].compareTo(str[4])); // compareToIgnoreCase // same as above except case insensitive System.out.println("-------------- compareToIgnoreCase --------------"); System.out.println(str[3].compareToIgnoreCase(str[5])); // contains() System.out.println("-------------- contains --------------"); System.out.println(str[2].contains("mourners")); // equals() System.out.println("-------------- equals --------------"); System.out.println(str[0].equals(str[1])); // equalsIgnoreCase() System.out.println("-------------- equalsIgnoreCase --------------"); System.out.println(str[3].equalsIgnoreCase(str[5])); // indexOf() System.out.println("-------------- indexOf --------------"); System.out.println(str[0].indexOf("Tahiti")); System.out.println(str[0].indexOf('m')); // isEmpty() System.out.println("-------------- isEmpty --------------"); System.out.println(str[1].isEmpty()); System.out.println("".isEmpty()); // lastIndexOf() System.out.println("-------------- lastIndexOf --------------"); System.out.println(str[2].lastIndexOf("no")); System.out.println(str[2].lastIndexOf('u')); // length() System.out.println("-------------- length --------------"); System.out.println(str[3].length()); // replace() System.out.println("-------------- replace --------------"); System.out.println(str[0].replace('i', '5')); // split() System.out.println("-------------- split --------------"); String[] words = str[1].split(" "); for (String w : words) { System.out.println(w); } // substring() System.out.println("-------------- substring --------------"); System.out.println(str[3].substring(0, 2)); // toCharArray() System.out.println("-------------- toCharArray --------------"); char[] characters = str[4].toCharArray(); for (char c : characters) { System.out.println(c); } // toLowerCase() System.out.println("-------------- toLowerCase --------------"); System.out.println(str[0].toLowerCase()); // toUpperCase() System.out.println("-------------- toUpperCase --------------"); System.out.println(str[2].toUpperCase()); // trim() System.out.println("-------------- trim --------------"); System.out.println("Original string: " + str[6]); System.out.println("Updated string: " + str[6].trim()); // immutable System.out.println( "-------------- Strings are immutable --------------" ); for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { System.out.println("str[" + i + "]: " + str[i]); } }
Output for the code above:
----------------- Strings ---------------- str[0]: Tahiti, it's a magical place str[1]: May the Force be with you str[2]: no mourners no funerals str[3]: apples str[4]: oranges str[5]: APPLES str[6]: lots of whitespace ----------------- CharAt ------------------ T a h i t i i t ' s a m a g i c a l p l a c e ---------------- compareTo -------------------- -14 ---------------- compareToIgnoreCase --------- 0 ---------------- contains -------------------- true ----------------- equals --------------------- false ----------------- equalsIsIgnoreCase --------- true ----------------- indexOf -------------------- 0 15 ----------------- isEmpty -------------------- false true ----------------- lastIndexOf ---------------- 12 16 ----------------- length --------------------- 6 ----------------- replace -------------------- tah5t5, 5t's a mag5cal place ----------------- split ---------------------- May the Force be with you ----------------- substring ------------------- ap ----------------- toCharArray ----------------- o r a n g e s ----------------- toLowerCase ----------------- tahiti, it's a magical place ----------------- toUpperCase ----------------- NO MOURNERS NO FUNERALS -------------- trim --------------------------- Orginal string: lots of whitespace Updated string: lots of whitespace --------------- Strings are inmutable --------- str[0]: Tahiti, it's a magical place str[1]: May the Force be with you str[2]: no mourners no funerals str[3]: apples str[4]: oranges str[5]: APPLES str[6]: lots of whitespace



Create a class called Palindrome. In the main method, prompt the user to enter a word. Then print whether the word given is a palindrome.
Note: Your program should disregard all leading and trailing whitespace, and should be case insensitive.
Example output 1:
Enter a word: RaCecAr The word is a palindrome.
Example output 2:
Enter a word: hello The word is NOT a palindrome.
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